Γεια σας κορίτσια!!! Επιτέλους μια φθινοπωρινή ημέρα και δεν
θα μπορούσε να είναι η καλύτερη ευκαιρία για να αφήσουμε για λίγο τα ανέμελα beachy μαλλιά
και να δοκιμάσουμε κάτι καινούριο. Για αυτό σας έχω τα hair styles που
«φορέθηκαν» στη πασαρέλα για το φθινόπωρο – χειμώνα 2013-2014 και είναι εύκολα
πραγματοποιήσιμα από όλες μας.
Hi girls!!!
Finally a real Fall day (here in Greece) and there is no better opportunity
than this to leave a little bit the beachy hair style and try something new. That’s
why I’m gonna saw you the hairstyles from runway for Fall-Winter 2013-2014 that
are easy to recreate.

A hair
style that is going to be seen a lot this Fall and Winter is low ponytails. As
low ponytails I mean those that are about at the height of our neck. To give a
little bit more polished and chic look we take a piece of hair and rub it
around the elastic then we secure it with a bobby pin under our pony. Something
that is no more in style is side ponytails.

hair style that really impressed me was this. It looks very complicated and
people are going to think that you have spent way more time to do that than you
really did. Basically it is two French braids one on the one side of the head
and one on the other, then they are pinned with bobby pins in the back of our
head in order to make that effect that you see in the picture.
Αυτά ήταν τα δύο αγαπημένα μου χτενίσματα. Εάν θέλετε να
δείτε πως κάνω το δεύτερο χτένισμα βήμα βήμα
αφήστε σχόλιο από κάτω. Τα λέμε!!!
Those were
my two favorite hairstyles. If you wonna see a step to step tutorial on the
second hair style live it as a comment down below. See you!!!
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